Litters Available

What if I don't want a show dog?Why do people recommend choosing a breeder who shows and titles their dogs to folks who are just looking for a pet and have no interest in showing? Why should breeding to breed standard be important to a pet home? Does it seem excessive, or “snobby”? It’s not, and here’s why.
How much is a puppy?My puppies are $4,000 and a $500 dollar deposit is required after the litter is born to confirm your spot on the list.
How do you determine the price of a puppy?Dog breeding is becoming more and more difficult in today’s times. Food & Medical expenses top the list for breeders trying to keep Goldens affordable on creating the perfect "healthy, long lived" family pet besides trying to be competitive in the dog show world. THE "COST" OF RAISING A PUPPY IN TODAY'S 2015 ECONOMY IS: $ 1,211.00 to 2,126.00 (Please See Chart Below) Today, we map plan and plan our breeding's for months. We are forced to breed mostly by technology using Progesterone testing to target the perfect conception date, FedEx to ship the semen from point A to B and Ultrasound to determine pregnancy. This all costs money to do it right! Then once she is pregnant we wait the 63 days to see if she will be able to have them naturally or a caesarian section. Once the puppies are here are "dog mom" jobs begin…imprinting, laundry, sleeping by the whelping box so no one gets laid on, potty training starting at 4 weeks, more laundry, no sleep for the wicked and then socializing and more laundry. We finally get to have a full night sleep around the 4th week. It is a monumental task to do it right and keep everyone healthy and happy. Then back to the vets to make sure everyone’s heart is beating correctly and review their overall health. The next step is one of the most important steps and good breeders rely on their reputation, previous buyers and friends to send them potential puppy buyers. Then the interviewing process of potential owners begins. Thanks to all our good friends who send good people and make our job a bit easier for this task for we are getting tired at this point and puppies are rearing to go explore outside. We believe in: * Raising Goldens puppies in our home to obtain the best social skills as adults. * Minimal Vaccinations- Jean Dodds and Ronald Schultz's Minimal Vaccination Protocol * The Raw Food Diet- Honest Kitchen * Litter Potty Training starting at 4 weeks * Nursing until 6 weeks to maximize immunity. * Socializing with other adult mothers and some sires at 7 weeks to obtain good social skills. Our seasoned adults are used to raising puppies and this makes it easier for the puppy to go to their new home were he/she might be the 2nd dog coming into a house hold. They learn quickly how to interact with another adult besides their mother. The chart below is so you can see the costs involved in raising a well socialized litter of Golden Retrievers in today’s times. This is our hobby and our passion. We do our best to stay current on medical issues and environmental issues which affect our Goldens life. So next time you are searching for your “perfect” new family member remember to ask all the important questions but also make sure you thank your dedicated breeder for their efforts on raising a healthy golden. I wrote this page so buyers could grasp how we arrive at our asking price of our puppies and how difficult our jobs of trying to keep a quality Golden Retriever affordable to the average family. There is a difference between good breeders and not so good breeders just like everything else in life. FORUM GOLDEN RETRIEVERS COSTS BREEDING A LITTER PRICE DAM REQUIREMENTS:"The Big 4" GRCA Hereditary Conditions"NOT INCLUDING SHOW EXPENSES" __________________________ OFA Hip Dysplasia $100.00 to 180.00 OFA Elbow Dysplasia $100.00 to 180.00 CERF Eye Clearance "LIFETIME 12 yrs" Yearly Eye Exams $100. x 12 = 1,200 divided by 3 litters = $400.00 OFA Heart Clearance Auscultation vs Echocardiogram $175.00 to 600.00 OFA Thyroid Test / Blood Test $125.00 DAM REQUIREMENT TOTAL:(PRIOR TO BREEDING) $900.00 - 1,325.00 ________________________________________________________________________________ BREEDING COSTS: __________________________ Vet Check on Dam CBC Blood Work-Smear for Infections $200.00 Timing/Progesterone Tests $140.00 per test /3-6 Tests per Breeding $420. to 840.00 STUD DOG FEE: Service Fee (Deposit) $300.00 Remainder of Stud Fee(3 live puppies) $1,200.00 Total Fee :$1,500.00 SHIPPING SEMEN EXPENSES: A. Fresh Chilled Semen (X2) Canine Shipping Box; Semen Extender; Ice ( these charges are if your stud dog owner packages it. More $ if a vet prepares it for shipping) $200.00 B. Frozen Semen Tank Rental; Preparation Fee; Tank Return $400.00 to $600.00 Plus Shipping Fees: FedEx; UPS; Airplane-Counter to Counter; Bus $ 600.00 SEMEN INSEMINATIONS: (Pick one: A. B. C. or D. Expenses) A. Natural breeding / Driving to Stud Dogs Location B. Artificial Insemination (A-I) If performed by a Vet $ 300.00 C. Transervical "Vet Procedure" (usually inseminated twice) $ 600.00 D. Surgical "Vet Procedure" $1,000. to 1,500.00 Ultrasound To Confirm Pregnancy $60.00 to 150.00 BREEDING TOTAL:(NO PUPPIES YET) $2,580.- 5,390.00 ________________________________________________________________________________ CARING FOR DAM & PUPPIES:(Not including cost of whelping box) _________________________ Dam (gestation through whelping) Extra Food for Dam; Supplements $500.00 Whelping Natural-Cesarean $0 to 2,000.00 Post Whelping Vet Check $150. to 250.00 Whelping Supplies Bedding (at least 3 sets of bedding) - Oxytocin/Vet on call - Extra towels - Pedialyte - Puppy Collars - Heating Source - Disinfectants - New Linoleum (to put around the whelping box) $800. to 1,200. Washing and More Washing! Bedding is washed Daily $200.00 Raising Puppies Food-Bedding " Litter" - Toys - Replacement Toys - Possible New Pens - Toy Pools - Possible Pet Sitter - Worming Supplies $1500.00 and up Vet (when there are no problems) Vaccinations - Microchip - Health Checks $80. x 8 = 640.00 SUB TOTAL LOW TO HIGH $3,790.- 6,040.00 ____________________________________________________________________________ GRAND TOTAL: LOW TO HIGH $7,270.00 to 12,755.00 DIVIDED BY 6 PUPPIES - AVERAGE "COST" OF 1 PUPPY: $1,211.00 to 2,126.00 ___________________________________________________________________________ THIS IS JUST THE "COST" OF RAISING 1 AVERAGE LITTER OF 6 PUPPIES. THIS IS SIMPLY A "HOBBY" AND A LOVE FOR THE GOLDEN RETRIEVER BREED. I HOPE THIS PUTS THE COST VS PRICE WE CHARGE FOR A PUPPY IN PERSPECTIVE!
If you're interested in a puppy please fill out our Litter Application Form below.
It is our responsibility to ensure our puppies a loving, caring home where they are part of the family. This application is designed to help us understand your home environment and to ensure you are in agreement with our breeding philosophy.
We sell to clients who:
1. You will enthusiastically agree to have your pet neutered between 12 and 18 months. WE DO NOT SELL BREEDING DOGS.
2. You will provide 24-hour supervision. For example, our puppies are not to be left alone all day while adults are at work. If this is necessary, arrangements for day care with older children, grandparents, pet sitters, etc. are satisfactory
3. You will treat the puppy as part of the family. Puppies are not to be tethered to a tree or doghouse, on outside runs, or to be left out overnight.
In order to stay on the list for a pending litter, prospective purchasers must complete and return this questionnaire. Once we receive your questionnaire you will be placed on the list and notified when the pups are born.
If we have a puppy that meets your requirements we will expect a $500.00 non-refundable deposit. (Deposit refunds will be given only if there is no puppy available.) We encourage your calls during the first six weeks to check the progress of the litter and a visit to "play with the puppies", usually at six weeks of age
Litter Application Form
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