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Fan Mail: Feather

Hi Kim

I know it has been two years since I gave you an update from Dad's plane. Dad was very pleased with me on my Spring birthday hunt this year when I started to retrieve the quail to his hand. It is fall now and and we have pheasants in our sights! Most people who see me only think of me as pretty showgirl but as you can see I earn my kibble by being a working girl.

Midas and I live to hunt and Dad makes sure we see a lot of birds each year. About a month ago, our household routine was upset when you made Callie(nee Notion) available to the Maryland McClures. She is an extraordinary pup and if you know how much Dad likes puppies you can imagine how jealous I was. She stepped right in as the littlest golden in the pack and trundled out the door on all our walks. Dad taught her how to swim and it took a few days for me to realize what a fun playmate she could be. After she left, I slept all day and then really started to miss her. Dad says we will see her from time to time and he is lobbying to get her for about a month next fall to have her hunt with us. He thinks she has too much potential to waste. You should know I am still having a wonderful Golden life.



PS Yesterday Feather and I went on our first hunt without three quail on a clean up hunt and all retrieved to goes on but we sure miss Midas

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